Anais Nolasco 101

Upon meeting me most people ask me “where are you from?” when they hear my name. If you ask me “where are you from?” I will answer “South Jersey.” (There are some Jersey natives that would say my town is in central jersey. They’re wrong. Central jersey does not exist.) However, if you were to ask my ethnicity I would gladly answer “Puerto Rican and Dominican.” In my free time I like to bake, read, and of course binge watch countless tv shows. My favorite tv shows that are on air right now are Game of Thrones, the Chicago shows on NBC, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Bold Type, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Bob’s Burgers, The Challenge, and anything on HGTV; shows that I could binge watch over and over again are The Office, Parks and Rec, New Girl, Friends, and Charmed. I don’t believe in “guilty pleasures” so I list all of those with an equal amount of pride. I come off as quiet and shy, but in the right environment I can actually be very outgoing and outspoken. I’m a very liberal person and am very passionate when it comes to my beliefs; yes I will judge the type of person you are based on how you stand on certain topics (some things can’t be “agree to disagree” situations). When it comes to research I would say I have a fairly good amount of experience; in high school I had to do a research paper every year, however they typically involved analyzing written works. Probably unlike most, I actually enjoyed every research paper I have ever written; English was always one of my favorite subjects and I love reading and being challenged to see things in a different light.  

Interesting Topics:
  1. Dream- Inequalities within society : The inequalities within our society have always been a very important topic to me. Politically I place social issues above all else because the system we have established in our country is incredibly broken with issues like our justice system, systematic oppression of marginalized groups, and racism.
  2. Safe-  Anti Death Penalty : I have done numerous papers, projects, and presentations on the why the death penalty should be banned, ranging from its ingrained hypocrisy to the fact that it is incredibly inhumane; I am very familiar with the topic and actually enjoy debating with people on the topic.
  3. Crazy- Society’s obsession with celebrities : I have always been fascinated with the fact that we as a society put anyone in the public eye on a pedestal as if they are somehow more valuable or better than your ‘average’ person because of their career.  

    (I clearly love expressing myself through gifs)
